What Would Nourish My Nervous System?

Polyvagal Selfcare Menu

There are endless tips and advice on how to best care for ourselves, and it might feel overwhelming. Rather than beating yourself up about what you think you “should be doing,” you can pay attention to your nervous system, and ask what would be most nourishing for me right now?

Deb Dana, Polyvagal expert and therapist, talks about the need for choice and flexibility in our daily routines. We honor our embodied wisdom by listening to and learning what works best for our unique system in any given moment.

Deb suggests writing a menu that consists of different activities that nourish you. You can then go to your menu each day and ask which option would I like to try, and what does my nervous system actually need right now.
What would you add to your unique menu? What are the daily essentials you need to maintain a sense of wellbeing, and what are some specials you’d like to explore and choose from?